Report on the provision of public services

In 2022, the report of the types of public services provided by “Kyzylorda Medical College”.

1. General rules

1) Information about the service provider: “Kyzylorda Medical College” is a communal state enterprise with the right to conduct business.

2) The number of state services in the field of health care is 27, including the Kyzylorda Higher Medical College – 9 services are provided.

Services were provided through the State Corporation “Government for Citizens”;

The total number of public services provided is 2785, all on a free basis;

the number of public services provided in paper form – 1150, through the electronic government portal (e-gov;; – 1515, through the state corporation – 120.

3) information about the most required public services:

The most popular public services are “Issue of duplicates of documents on technical and vocational, post-secondary education”, “Providing accommodation for students in technical and vocational, post-secondary educational institutions”, “On the completion of training and certification courses of health care personnel” issuing documents”.

2. Work with employees

1) Information on the sources and places of access to information on the procedure for the provision of public services:

For the purpose of access to public services, information on the procedure for providing   public services is posted on the official website of the Kyzylorda Higher Medical College KMK . Placed by phone 1414.

2) information on the public discussion of the drafts of statutory legal acts that determine the procedure for the provision of public services:

For public discussions, the report on public services is posted on the official website of the “Kyzylorda Medical Higher College” SJK KMC, where each service recipient can read the report and leave comments.

3) activities aimed at ensuring the transparency of the process of providing public services (explanatory work, seminars, meetings, interviews, etc.)

3. Service on improving the processes of providing state services.

1) Results of optimization and automation of public service provision processes.

For optimization and automation in the college, a Self-Service Corner of e-government services is available for staff and students on the first floor of the academic building.

2) activities aimed at improving the qualifications of employees in the field of public services.

4. State service quality control

1) Information on complaints of recipients of services on issues of public service provision:

1) In 2022, there were no complaints about the provision of public services.

2) appropriate explanatory work was carried out with the team and responsible employees about the norms of the current legislation and the principles of public service provision.

  1. Prospects of further efficiency of public services and increasing the satisfaction of recipients of the quality of services.

The following activities are planned for 2023 in order to increase the satisfaction of service recipients with the quality of public services:

– conducting a consultation on the measures taken to improve the quality of public services;

– to ensure that the public is informed about the possibilities of obtaining public services through the “electronic government” portal through popular social networks and periodicals.

Types of public services provided in the field of health care

 “Kyzylorda Medical Higher College” SJK KMC

  r/s Types of public servicein 2022number of public services provided Display type
CZON    e-gov portal, “ ”     Es.iac.kzGos Organ(college)
1“Issuance of documents on training, upgrading and retraining of personnel in the field of health care”January-0February-0March-0April-0May-0Season-10July-0August-80September-110October-237November-193December-102
2“Acceptance of documents to technical and professional, post-secondary educational organizations” Season-330July-855August-195
3“Issue of duplicates of documents on technical and professional education”January-3February 3March 6April 1May 5Season-5July 9August-6September 12October 1November 2December-3January-1February 1March 2April 3May 2Season-1July 4August 11September-2October 1November 1
4“Providing accommodation for students in technical and vocational educational organizations” February 8August-350September 14October 7November 11December-12
5“Providing information to people who have not completed technical and vocational, post-secondary education” Season-1July 2August 7September-1
6“Replacement and re-admission of students in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and professional, post-secondary education”January-1February 1July 3August 4January-1
10 91
7“Academic leave for students in educational organizations”April 1February 1Season-1September-1December-1
5 14
8Provision of free meals to certain categories of citizens of technical and professional, post-secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as to persons under guardianship (guardianship) and patronageFebruary 8March 16September 15October 22November 3February 6March 1September-62October 12November 10December 5
  Everything 2785 120 1515 1150