Aims and objectives of the office of psychological services of Kyzylorda Higher Medical College
Purpose: the psychological health of students, the creation of favorable socio-psychological conditions and psychological support for participants in the educational process.
1. Conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in various areas;
2. Make psychological and pedagogical conclusions and analyze them in order to concentrate the teaching staff on solving individual and social problems of students;
3. Participate in the planning and development of programs for the development and adjustment of educational activities, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students;
4. Carries out measures to prevent the occurrence of social maladaptation, takes measures to provide psychological assistance (psycho-correction, rehabilitation, counseling);
5. To study the features of the socio-psychological state and adaptation of students in order to prevent and effectively eliminate the difficulties that arise;
6. Raising awareness of students about mental health, developing problem-solving skills and encouraging them to seek psychological help if necessary
The educational psychologist works in the following areas:
- Psychodiagnostic direction;
- Psychoprophylactic direction;
- Psycho-corrective direction;
- Psychological counseling;
- Improving psychological knowledge;
College psychologists are working to ensure the full adaptation of first-year students to the educational process in the college and the full-fledged mental and personal development of students. It is also necessary to provide timely comprehensive psychological assistance to students, parents and teachers, comfortable psychological counseling, and the formation of a good psychological climate in the college. One of the most important forms of work of a teacher-psychologist is the organization of socio-psychological support for students in difficult life situations.

Педагог – психолог: Әшімова Жансауле Есқарақызы
Еңбек өтілі: 13 жыл
Санаты: І
Телефон: 8 –708–704–79-74
Sensory room for psychological relaxation